Mornings almost always involve some sort of meltdown by either a child or momma. It's everyone wants something the split second feet hit the floor. Wiggles cries for her cup, Sugar Bean repeatly announces her need for her favorite hero of the week or a demand for breakfast and lately her insistence on school time right away! I'm reaching for the coffee pot cringing and multitasking the demands at hand.
When I've established a sense of control, it's chores, diaper changes, and settling everyone into their day. Notice I say "sense" of control! We all know that's never the case!
The goal everyday is to get school time accomplished between breakfast and lunch. School time is mingled along with snacks and playtime. If we are having a cranky pants moment school is set aside until we can teach and learn willingly. Yes even Momma has cranky pants moments! After lunch it's naps! On a good day they go willingly and not so great days it requires chasing children back to bed many times and yelling "back in bed!" repeatedly! My goal is to grab a nap too but we all know that's not always the case. So I get done whatever I can or pass out for five minutes with June Bug.
When naps over it's playtime! No structured school time unless we are all in the mood. Painting or loud craziness are more the order of the afternoon!

Keep in mind Wiggles is being potty trained too. So repeated runs to the potty are the norm!

Sugar Bean wants school time or snack time constantly. Sometimes momma just wants to hide!

Wiggles is potty training her lil ones too!

Cleo stays clear of the Midday chaos by watching the birds outside, on top of the toy shelf.

No point in cleaning up!

The daily art work hangs from clothespin on the blinds. Hey where else? They make interesting curtains!
And so evening goes however the wind blows... Play, chores, dinner, more play, bedtime!
My house is never magazine worthy but it's happily lived in! It's a home that's on duty 24/7. Homeschooling takes dedication and a willingness to give all your time and energy into your wee ones. There's great moments and times when we all just want to runaway screaming. But it's our life, our home, and our chaos!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sounds so familiar ... the multitasking, the everybody-needs-mom-at-once, the lots-to-do-that-only-mom-can-do! Some things have gotten easier 'round here, now that our big kids are old enough to load the dishwasher & do some basic cleanup jobs themselves. That gives me a little hands-free time to get some other things done.
ReplyDeleteTime has been flying, though, (where did our first 10 years of parenting go?), so I'm trying to "slow down" a little, intentionally enjoy the process, and keep the main things the main things ... Happy chaos to you!
My house always looks like hurracaine hit it between morning and 5pm, after 5 I try to clean up at least the table to serve some dinner on.