Saturday, June 19, 2010


So how many diaper do you need for a tot and newborn?
Honestly, it all boils down to how often you wash and change.

My current stash with Ariana (15months) & Bella (2weeks)...
15 covers and pockets for tot
16 "bar" terry towels as inserts
8 bamboo fleece flats (double layer)
12 covers & pockets for newborn
3 small gdiapers (converting them to snaps, hate the velcro!)
Misc bamboo doublers, washclothes, birdseyes, flats, etc.
15 Premium Regular size unbleached cotton indian prefolds
15 Infant size unbleached cotton indian prefolds
15 Preemie size unbleached cotton indian prefolds (use as lay-in inserts)
3 shorty woolies & 3 longie woolies for tot
4 shorty woolies & 2 longie woolies for newborn
2 snappis for prefolds

I wash every 2-3 days depending on fast we go thru them and the weather. The sun has successfully bleached out stains everytime!
Will be hitting the machine in the near future since Ariana is finally outgrowing the original covers I made her. Hopefully we'll have her potty trained sooner than later!

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