Gardening is my true passion, well along with a half a dozen other things but it's really the one thing I can spend all day doing and never tire of. It's so satisfying and you always discover something new and unusual. So on Mothers Day my only request was to go to Lowes. I came home with some gardening hardware and a $10 strawberry plant that was already in full bloom. Jocelyn helped me plant it in a large pot along with a $1 rescue that was headed for an untimely trip to the compost. A good mix of horse manure, rotted hay, and soil had our new garden addition quite happy. Now a month or so later it's gotten so big and has multiplied with tons of baby plants I had to start a bed for them. I consulted with a friend of ours that has plenty of experience with a large organic farm. So today I built a raised bed with the never ending supply of boulders and rock around the property, filled it with the same combination I used for the momma plant. Jocelyn helped fill the bed while I snipped off the baby plants and prepared them for planting.

Jocelyn is certainly learning well. Apparently my green thumb is growing on her and my obsessive "tree hugging". She even says "bye bye trees" when we leave the great outdoors for lunch!
So it's ta ta for now.... I'll be posting the progress of our tire grown potatoes this week sometime hopefully.
Thank you! I can now keep up and not feel like you are so many miles away. love you.