Last I checked I don't know any toddlers or preschoolers who will sit long enough for you to read anything without pictures or something to intrigue them. Well I do believe we have finally found a way to atleast get some munchkins to sit thru Bible time and actually get something out of it. I present to you.... My First Hands-On Bible.
The kiddos love it and so do I. Sugar Bean always begs for school time to begin and now she even enjoys Bible time made specifically for preschoolers!
There are some great reviews on this Bible all over the web but I just wanted to share our experience thus far.
Each of the 85 Bible stories are packed with hands-on activities to keep your young audience from straying away.

As you read the story you come across these little hands that give an activity to involve little ones in the story. Today we were reading about the creation of man. I love how it even has the verse numbers as you are reading along and it's actual scripture not a diluted story book.

At the end of the story there is a "Jesus connection" to bring the meaning of the story right back to the root of Jesus.
Two cute characters Cuddles and Pockets give the children further activities. In this story Cuddles has a rhyme time that you do simple motions with. There is also an activity suggestion, in this case we molded people out of homemade play dough as God created Man.

"Let's talk" gives some discussion questions to get your kids talking about the story. Finally Pockets the kangaroo lets us know "it's time to pray" and suggests a simple prayer.

This really is the girls favorite part of our school day. I have a feeling we will be going thru this Bible atleast three time as I'm sure June Bug will enjoy the activities more as she gets older. For now she sits and listens and plays along while Sugar Bean and Wiggles do most of the acting and talking. Im so happy to finally have a Bible they can get involved in! We still have quiet reading time where they mimic me sitting and reading my Bible quietly but this really gets their attention.
My First Hands-On Bible is written in the New living translation which although I prefer KJV, I find this very easy reading for the little ones. I have also seen there is a hands-on Bible we will grow into as well made by Tyndale.
Enjoy those teaching years and make every moment a moment to learn.
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