Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lambswool Longies...Oh so CUTE!

Nothing like a day of surprises! Decided it was high time to search my local Salvation Army for some good deals. More kiddos and tighter budgets make you think of all sorts of things! My mission today was finding 100% wool sweaters. Believe it or not there is wool out there that isn't that nasty scratchy stuff. So I started with the help of my sister Sarah going thru each and every sweater on the rack hunting for the perfect sweaters to recycle. I was a bit concerned about the high prices we were coming across until suddenly they announced, 50% off all winter clothing and shoes! That includes those sweaters I was thinking of putting back. YEPPY! Who would of thought you could get 100% lambswool sweaters for $1.50 to $3.00!?!?!?! So I still only bought a bag full but fully intend to go back asap and buy up some more!

So after a banana split lunch and some more errands, I couldn't wait to get home and start working on my new projects. So here is result number one!

A beautiful pair of 100% soft lambswool longies (pants lingo for cloth diapering mommas) with a cute little heart applique. I made these just using the measurements from a pair of pants that fit Ariana comfortably. Plus I added a little length and booty room so they last her longer. I LOVE them! They are so fast to whip up I don't know why I didn't start making them sooner.

Using wool pants and diaper covers are the number one bulletproof (leak proof) way to cover your babies! Wool is breathable so even in the summer your wee ones stay cool. The natural Lanolin in wool makes them magic! The diaper could be soaked and the wool longies or cover will feel dry. Plus its anti-bacterial properties make it a diaper momma dream! No need to wash after every use, just hang to "dry" for the next use. It doesn't "stink" either! After so long if your diaper cover or longie seems to be "leaking" it's time to give it a gentle wash and re-lanolize it which is much easier than it sounds. More on that later.

Off to make some more longies and break out a diaper cover pattern! This is so addicting I love it! After I get a few made for the girls I'll work on getting some posted on etsy. Recycling makes me feel so good!

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